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Benjamin Muzzin

Our skin is glass is an on going series of still images mixing real footage with dig­i­tal ele­ments. Those images are rep­re­sent­ing a new kind of ter­ri­tory; they have their roots in the real world but are at the same time far away from it. They are sim­i­lar to mul­ti­ple layers of mem­o­ries dis­torted by the effects of time and space. They look like they are con­tin­u­ously chang­ing and evolv­ing, in a sim­i­lar way to our envi­ron­ment being reshaped, remod­elled and altered by our human activ­i­ties. Despite the ini­tial seduc­ing aspect of the rep­re­sented sub­jects, some­thing fast and vio­lent is hap­pen­ing, like an extreme heat turn­ing living matter into glass.

This project started during a res­i­dency pro­gram in summer 2019 that took me and two other artists in the Atacama desert in Chile, in the Amazon rain­for­est in Brazil and at La Becque in Switzerland.
I would like to thank Chico Dub from Novas Frequencia, Ana Ascencio & Mapping Festival, Patrick Kessler from Klang Moor Schopfe Festival, Fernando Godoy from Tsonami Festival, Luc Meier from La Becque, Lilian Fraiji from LabVerde and Pro Helvetia Coincidencia for their sup­port.
The res­i­dency was doc­u­mented on this Instagram account: insta​gram​.com/​a​t​a​m​a​l​p​_​r​e​s​i​dency

Our Skin Is Glass - © Benjamin Muzzin
Our Skin Is Glass - © Benjamin Muzzin
Our Skin Is Glass - © Benjamin Muzzin
Our Skin Is Glass - © Benjamin Muzzin