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Benjamin Muzzin

Extracts of a series of videos com­mis­sioned by the NXT Museum – first museum in the Netherlands ded­i­cated to new media art.

The eight videos cre­ated are part of the Transition Rooms of the museum; places in-between the instal­la­tions designed to tell the story of the venue’s inau­gural exhi­bi­tion Shifting Proximities (2020−21) and inform about the art­works.

Creative direc­tion: Merel van Helsdingen, Natasha Greenhalgh
Curator: Bogomir Doringer
Co-cura­tor: Jesse Damiani
CGI: Benjamin Muzzin
Music: Danny van der Lugt

Nxt Museum - © Benjamin Muzzin
Nxt Museum - © Benjamin Muzzin
Nxt Museum - © Benjamin Muzzin