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Benjamin Muzzin

Full Turn explores the notion of the third dimen­sion, with the desire to get out of the usual frame of a flat screen. For this, Benjamin Muzzin’s work mainly con­sisted in explor­ing and exper­i­ment­ing dif­fer­ent devices for dis­play­ing images, trying to give to ani­ma­tions volume in space. The result­ing machine works with the rota­tion of two screens placed back to back, cre­at­ing a three-dimen­sional ani­mated sequence that can be seen at 360 degrees unlike any other type of screens. Due to the per­sis­tence of vision, the shapes that appear on the screen turn into moving kinetic light sculp­tures. Those ani­mated fig­ures seem to float in the air, like one single intan­gi­ble bright stream evolv­ing through time.

Creative direc­tion: ECAL/​Benjamin Muzzin
Software design: Mathieu Rivier
Mechanical engi­neer­ing: Yves Decoppet

Full Turn - © Benjamin Muzzin
Full Turn - © Benjamin Muzzin